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An Introduction To Global Positioning System (GPS)

GPS or the Global Positioning System was originally developed by the United States Department of Defense for use in weapons delivery. The testing of GPS satellite and equipments started in 1977 in Arizona, USA. GPS has become an indispensable tool for navigation around the world. It is also an important tool for map-making and land surveying. Other use of GPS is it can provide a precise time reference used in many applications including scientific study of earthquakes and synchronization of telecommunications networks.

There are many different types of GPS units available on the market today. Basically you pay is what you get for a GPS unit. Some GPS units or is called a GPS receiver can only work in limited areas and functions are limited.

With the recent development of more sophisticated GPS units, more functions is available, for instance it is now possible to get satellite photos of your vehicle in mere seconds. It can also be integrated with all your existing alarms and electronics in your car. Some interesting features include interrupting the starter for the car's immobilizer in case of theft, locating the vehicle whereabout, determine its speed and its direction of travel and many more.

Some of the uses of GPS technology (can be used to get know and control):
Many families are now becoming primary caretakers for their parents. Caretakers of the elderly with diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease can track and assure where their loved ones are especially elderly drivers with Alzheimer's disease who can easily get lost on the road.

Businesses and fleet managers need to have a cost effective way to keep track of their vehicles and employees. They can't afford to lose money with the high cost of fuel these days. So, they need to make sure their drivers are actually on the road. There is also the potential their employees moonlighting while doing their jobs. Also there are many unsafe driver on the road. New and used car dealerships and rental car agencies can also save money by being able to track a stolen vehicle across any state line or beyond.

So now you see the many benefits and uses for GPS technology.


posted by Encik Jay @ 11:11 PM,


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